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by Kyle Baker December 01, 2013 2 min read 3 Comments

Hey everyone, I wanted to take a quick sec to introduce myself and tell you how excited I am to have ripstopbytheroll.com up and running! As the owner of Ripstop by the Roll, I want you to know that I've started this site as a solution to a problem I've faced in both DIY projects and starting my own small business making camping hammocks. Specifically I've found that when buying small quantities of ripstop (i.e. < 100 yds) you will inevitably experience some combination of having to overpay, accept 2nds quality fabric, buy more than you really need, or end up settling for something that you don't really want. I've personally experienced these problems and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I'm not the only one. 

Ripstop by the Roll is a better way to buy specialty fabrics like ripstop nylon/polyester for a couple reasons. First and foremost, you get access to great prices without the constraint of order minimums. If you take stock of what's out there, our prices can be as much as 20-40% off of what you'll pay at a large online fabric store or somewhere like JoAnn's. These places sell TONS of fabric and you will inevitably be forced to pay extra when ordering small amounts. It's sad to say, but some of these places can even be a little rude when they find out you're "wasting up their time" with an order that isn't 500+ yds of fabric (yeah true story...). Secondly, we've personally held and in many cases sewn all of the fabric that we offer. We started as DIY guys to begin with, so when you buy from us, you know that you're buying from someone who won't stick you with crap.  

We're looking to build real relationships with our customers. Regardless of whether your project is today, tomorrow, or both, we'd love to be your trusted fabric/materials supplier. If you have a question about ANYTHING, head over to the Contact Us page and . Seriously, if you need guidance on fabric selection, want to request a new fabric that we don't carry, or just have a comment/suggestion, we'd love to hear from you. 


Kyle Baker, owner


3 Responses


February 05, 2015

I read your mission statement. My sentiments exactly. Glad I found you!!

Kyle Baker
Kyle Baker

February 04, 2015

Yes we have a new production lot coming out any day now. Should have it in-house within a week or so.


January 29, 2015

I noticed you are all bit sold out of silnylon. Are you planning on getting more in, specifically the O.D. green?

Thanks and great service. Very helpful to have a source like this for projects.

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