To make the Outdoor Ink print
1) The image for the outdoor ink print was converted from 2 pictures to “artwork” using an app on the iphone.
2) Once the image was created I upconverted the image using the resize function in Microsoft paint. This was because the image was did not have enough pixels per inch to get good resolution.
3) From there the image was submitted and printed out.
To make quilt
1) Cut out material to size
2) Sew and stuff foot box and handles
3) Sew karo step baffles on front side
4) Sew the front and back material ¼ of the way around the top
5) Attach karo step baffles to the part already sewn together
6) Sew the next section down the sides and then sew the karo step and repeat to bottom of quilt
7) Attach lower end together and sew foot box ¾ of the way around the bottom
8) Use unsewn bottom to stuff
9) Stuff with down
10) Sew quilt closed