Sandwiched two colors of 2 1/2 yards each. Joined with serger with one short end open, then ran that seam through walking foot machine as well. Clima shield on top and ran it through walking foot machine again. It took a little practice to keep the bottom layer of Hyper D from sliding toward needle and causing bunching at seam. Used plastic sewing clips all around to hold in place. I also tried tissue paper on top of the Climashield but found I did not need it as long as I paid attention. The foot can occasionally catch the Climashield if not but smoothing fabric out in advance of needle cured the problem. Used a peice of cardboard, from back of a notebook, to slide underneath and help slide creeping fabric back. Used fabric clips, all around, in preparation for top stitching. Closed open end, top stitched all around. Made cinch sack from regular ripstop. Once I worked out the bugs in workflow, it takes me about three hours from start to finish for one quilt.Â